Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio 1:17:21 Feb 12, 2020 Ep 11. 不知木兰是 Python? 这次我们请到了编程语言研究者红姐(thautwarm)来聊聊前段时间中科院发布的木兰(Mulan)编程语言。 本期主播: laike9m Manjusaka 本期嘉宾: 红姐thautwarm 播客中提到的内容: 中科院计算所发布国产编程语言“木兰” Lambda lifting No Multiline Lambda in Python: Why not? What's the difference between local variable, cell variable and free variable? Python AST PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) Lark - a modern parsing library for Python bytecode 《理科生坠入情网,故尝试证明。》 FastAPI